Not ASCII, however a cool hack using mpv is that it can display actual videos in a terminal emulator that supports true color output [1]. Just run the following command:
mpv -vo tct video_file.mkv
Reduce the font size to increase resolution. Also, a GPU accelerated terminal like Kitty [2] is recommended, or the video will be painfully slow.
Indeed, I came across this project while googling the idea! I figured out SSL would be a nice feature to have - surely you wouldn’t want your Star Wars ASCII stream to be tampered with, would you? ;)
When I discovered this as a youngling it totally opened my mind to the crazy possibilities of computers and the internet. Love to see it posted here after all these years!
PRs welcome :) I guess for the curl version it's gonna be tough because you can't really interact with the stream that you receive. You should be able to do it with the telnet version, though
Thanks for the kind words :) I do try hard to "keep the spirit" as much as I can. Like everyone on HN I need to balance that with many other things, but I figured out a few lines of Go + a heroku app wouldn't be too time-consuming :)
It's not.
The "author" simply stole towel.blinkenlights and wrapped it in golang. I bet he updated himself to senior go engineer on linkedin after this.
None of the "cool" stuff in this is martinraison's work.
Really like the format of the "movie" file. Very easy to work with:
Line 1: time.Duration
Lines 2-14: frameHeight (currently set to 13 lines in the code on this and the original[0])
Options for (1) pause/play (2) back: frame by frame (3) forward: frame by frame : could make this a pretty good presentation app, ebook tool, story-teller...