I take no offence to what you're saying. And I agree with most of it. I didn't mean 'suffer for art' in the Whiplash sense. I don't believe that great suffering is either necessary or sufficient for great art. I do believe that there is some collelation. If as in this example, you use art as an outlet from suffering, then it is being created as a result. Suffering isn't going to give you artistic abilities that you never had, but it may make you use what you do. It's conceivable to me that intense or prolonged suffering may also intensify or allow for larger/deeper works. That's all.
On seeing the presentation of this game and the story behind its making, I am touched but its truth and the balance of beauty with the matter of dealing with what's thrown at you. I hope to play it someday.
On seeing the presentation of this game and the story behind its making, I am touched but its truth and the balance of beauty with the matter of dealing with what's thrown at you. I hope to play it someday.