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I have a not so good experience with them. They cut off our internet during Christmas because allegedly our Windows XP computer was part of a botnet.

To me it looked like overzealous, self-righteous Internet policing, but OK.

I do not remember if they warned us that they will cut it off, perhaps they did.

Proving that the computer was reinstalled and virus free proved to be quite tedious. In the end I ended up cancelling them.

> They cut off our internet during Christmas because allegedly our Windows XP computer was part of a botnet.

But isn't that the right step to do? From the ISPs point of view they had an intruder into their network, so they have to deal with it somehow.

It is emphatically the right thing to do, but if you're an unknowing user it is surely also very inconvenient to be booted off.

Well, being DDoSed by a botnet is also awfully inconvenient.

To add my anecdote on this topic: I was cut off as well. I had a friend who used my wifi with an infected laptop. I had no trouble getting the block removed the next day, but it probably helped that I use Linux and was not the real source of the malware. My friend was unable to clear his laptop, he had to reinstall windows. I thought the action was reasonable, since the laptop of my friend had become a real hazard.

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