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I think sometimes the spirit of these observations can be lost in the specifics.

Maybe this doesn't confirm strictly to the philosophical definition, but as an analogy I find it succinct and useful.

Many times I've fallen in the trap of absolutely _knowing_ in my head the reason things are the way they are, only to find out later I'm completely wrong. In most cases the evidence was right in front of me, but software is hard and complex and it is easy for even the best developers to miss the obvious.

Putting a term around it, having an article like this to discuss with the team, these are all useful for reinforcing the idea that we need to continually challenge or knowledge and question assumptions.

one countermeasure i use for this is to substitute the phrase "i'm pretty sure that..." in place of "i know...". that gives both you and others the mental room to consider alternative causes. the 5 why's is another more formalized technique: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/5_Whys

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