function path { if [[ -d "$1" ]] ; then if [[ -z "$PATH" ]] ; then export PATH=$1 else export PATH=$PATH:$1 fi fi } export PATH='' path ~/.homebrew/sbin path ~/.homebrew/bin path /usr/local/sbin path /usr/local/bin path /usr/sbin path /usr/bin path /sbin path /bin
I also like to keep vim swaps/backups/history in a centralized place (.vimrc):
set directory=~/.vim/swaps " centralized swaps set backupdir=~/.vim/backups " centralized backups set undodir=~/.vim/undo " centralized undo history
I also like to alias sl to ls :)
alias sl='ls'
You can check my dotfiles here:
I also like to keep vim swaps/backups/history in a centralized place (.vimrc):
I don't like leaving ~clutter in random folders.I also like to alias sl to ls :)
Other than that, the least you have to configure the better.You can check my dotfiles here: