With regards to ethical wages, SpaceX should pay well, so people don't depend on them (they can save enough to be able to sustain themselves for at least a few months while they look for a new job). If SpaceX doesn't need that many workers they should give them prior notice (2 months or more at least, I don't know how they handled this).
Article says 8 weeks of pay minimum, so that’s two months. USA has 6 months of unemployment benefits at half pay, which the employer pays for. Not sure if the severance pay comes with an agreement to not use that...
The employment to population ratio is 79.7% for people 25-54. That has only been exceeded for less than 10 years in history. The only time it has ever been exceeded by more than a point was June 1997-May 2001 during the dot-com bubble.
Employment to population ratio does not exclude anyone. It is the number of people divided by the number of people who are employed. It is also not 2016 anymore. The prime-age labor force participation rate has risen about a point since then.
Labor force participation rate is also not a measure of employment. It is the number of people who are employed plus the number of people who are actively looking for employment but who aren't employed. If you want strictly what portion of the population is currently working, that is employment to population ratio, which is what I posted.
Could you explain it please?
Even U6 is below 8 percent.
the part time part is big of course ( https://fredblog.stlouisfed.org/2015/05/the-many-flavors-of-... ) but that's how it was for decades since BLS started tracking it.
With regards to ethical wages, SpaceX should pay well, so people don't depend on them (they can save enough to be able to sustain themselves for at least a few months while they look for a new job). If SpaceX doesn't need that many workers they should give them prior notice (2 months or more at least, I don't know how they handled this).