There are plenty of scenarios were this is a good way to manage your resources though. When we have money we'll move to a VPS from a shared hosting environment. When we have money we'll stop checking IP to country locations manually and pay for a service that handles that. When we have money we'll be able to reinvest into the company instead of just bleed funds. I'm doing X to work toward this goal.
I want to buy a house, not just any house but the one I want to buy and I'll buy it when I have the money. I'm doing X to work toward this goal.
I want to buy a car, not just any car but the one I want to buy and I'll buy it when I have the money. I'm doing X to work toward this goal.
I want to buy a house, not just any house but the one I want to buy and I'll buy it when I have the money. I'm doing X to work toward this goal.
I want to buy a car, not just any car but the one I want to buy and I'll buy it when I have the money. I'm doing X to work toward this goal.