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Most proof of work coins use unique hashing algorithms and the miners are custom-designed ASICs that are extremely efficient at that one specific algorithm. If per chance, your coin uses the same algorithm as Bitcoin [ SHA-256(SHA-256(Block Header)) ], a small portion of the much larger Bitcoin mining community could turn their miners toward the smaller coin and quickly overwhelm their network to perform a 51% attack. The Bitcoin community can perform something like 40 billion gigahashes per second, most 'shitcoins' have total mining capabilities of 0.05x that if not less. It's a quick economic calculation for any miner or group of miners to decide to attack a smaller double-SHA-256 coin, as long as the total hashing power of the smaller coin's network is small enough and the coin valuable enough.

Doing the attack tends to drive said shitcoin's value to zero, so the incentive to do it is often not there.

Shitcoin is not going to drop to zero immediately (as in 24hours) giving attackers plenty of time to to cash out.

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