The Surface Pro 4 he mentions in the article is 4 years old. It was released in 2015. Things are hopefully better since then with the 5th gen and 6th Surface Pro devices.
I'm now on a Dell XPS 13, but the Surface Pro 4 I once had did definitely have plenty of bugs. I ended up getting my device swapped at least twice as it often would not wake up after being put to sleep.
My Surface Pro 3 never BSOD'd, it just frequently crashed the display driver. The screen would go unresponsive for 5-10 seconds, then it would redraw and pop up a little notification in the lower right saying the driver had crashed. The keyboard was also unpleasant to use, and the touchpad stopped clicking after a couple months.
I've never had a BSOD on my Surface Pro 3 but I have had lots of issues where the rear upper right side of the case gets too warm to comfortably hold like a tablet.
Back in the 90s I got a kick out of people claiming Macs don't crash. no they just routinely locked up where you literally had to pull the plug from the wall. but that doesn't count as a crash.
Nobody with any credibility claimed that Macs don't crash pre-OSX (the 1990s). They crashed and froze all of the time. That's why everyone was begging for an all-new operating system.