That quote is hilarious -- Guido von Rossum claims that it's impossible to implement `reduce` in a few lines in a functional language. Just out of curiosity, I checked out the `reduce` implementation in Elixir:
def reduce(enumerable, fun) do
result =
Enumerable.reduce(enumerable, {:cont, :first}, fn
x, :first -> {:cont, {:acc, x}}
x, {:acc, acc} -> {:cont, {:acc, fun.(x, acc)}}
|> elem(1)
case result do
:first -> raise Enum.EmptyError
{:acc, acc} -> acc
It's clear from that quote that Guido (at least at that time) doesn't have real experience with functional programming and is letting his personal biases cloud his judgement.
Okay maybe '"scheme isn't a functional language because it allows side effects and only Haskell and family are allowed to call themselves functional", or whatever. He seems to perhaps hint at that mentality. But the fact remains that a language like scheme makes this much easier than python.