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My vision of the future for the cleaning service industry:

Robot at home on stand by a la I,Robot movie

:"Good morning Mr. Anderson, our remote cleaning specialist is ready to clean your home, do you comply?"

pass code confirmation needed

:"Thank you, our services will take approximately 45 minutes. Please stand clear while we complete our task. Thank you Mr. Anderson. Have a Wonderful day!"

:"Please note that your next remote cleaning will require a renewal of your service agreement. Please take time to fill in the survey, confirm your subscription, and adjust your cleaning times, and thank you again for being a valued customer here at CleanTech"

LOL day dreaming is fun.

What if we took it to the next level and made it a game where two players compete to clean the most debris via remote controlled vacuum cleaners. A map would show areas cleaned and point values.

You're saying service robots will be Ubik-uitous?

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