The field guide for anyone who refuses to accept girls and women are less likely to succeed as engineers, scientists, or in any technology profession. This accessible yet science-grounded book was effortless to read and is packed with chapter after chapter of practical age specific advice. I’m a father of two young girls (and a boy) and I will no doubt keep it at my side for many years to come.
My key take away: It seems too often we assume the way things are is they way they will always be, so we fix the symptoms and stop looking for better answers. “Education is education and the same for both genders, so the dispartity between genders in the tech field must be girls aren’t as good at it or boys keep them out of the club.” Well the authors present a wealth of scientific evidence to strongly suggest our approach to STEM education (starting in the home) is geared more towards the way boys brains are biologically wired to learn, and simple intuitive adjustments to the way the same concepts are taught to girls net amazing results. After trying a few of the tips on my 2 and 6 year olds there’s no doubt.. anyone who wants a girl or a women in their life to succeed should read this book. It’ll change lives.
+1 for Why We Sleep, alarming, insightful and ultimately likely to add years the lives of those who read it.
Interesting. Here in Norway, girls are outperforming boys in school at every level, and the gap between them gets bigger every year. A few years a go the gap was smallest in math, but I recently listen to a discussion on radio that said even that gap started to get bigger. One of the arguments that are used here often is that school is geard more towards girls than boys.
I have to read that book to understand why it seems to be so different in USA (I presume).
This is a common theme across all Western countries, see eg PISA & other OECD data and the excellent and detailed Eurostat statistics:
- Girls perform much better in most domains of education (in math & STEM the picture is more mixed)
- girls are less likely to drop out
- girls are more likely to go to university
- in nearly all subjects of university there are more girls than boys, except for a few hard sciences & engineering
- after university women are as they get older less and less likely to be in most science professions, less likely to be in management, more likely to stop/take a break from working (and then eventually never come back or vastly under their formal skills level)
I just looked up the Norwegian delegate to the International Math Olympiad. Unfortunately, males are still top heavy. There was only 1 female out of 6 spots.
Not too long ago I was student, doing CS. In my programming classes senior year there would be literally 1 girl. The harder the class the less girls there were. When I wasnt sure about which major to do I tried psychology, 80% were girls. First I was excited but very soon I felt like an outsider.. eventually I was looking forward to finish the class and never come to this major again.
As a father of an 8 year old girl, I'll be getting this book, thanks for the recommendation.
What's disheartening though, is all the "Sponsored products related to this item" at the link are all weight loss books. All the "Customers who viewed this item also viewed" are cosmetics or 'accessories'.
The field guide for anyone who refuses to accept girls and women are less likely to succeed as engineers, scientists, or in any technology profession. This accessible yet science-grounded book was effortless to read and is packed with chapter after chapter of practical age specific advice. I’m a father of two young girls (and a boy) and I will no doubt keep it at my side for many years to come.
My key take away: It seems too often we assume the way things are is they way they will always be, so we fix the symptoms and stop looking for better answers. “Education is education and the same for both genders, so the dispartity between genders in the tech field must be girls aren’t as good at it or boys keep them out of the club.” Well the authors present a wealth of scientific evidence to strongly suggest our approach to STEM education (starting in the home) is geared more towards the way boys brains are biologically wired to learn, and simple intuitive adjustments to the way the same concepts are taught to girls net amazing results. After trying a few of the tips on my 2 and 6 year olds there’s no doubt.. anyone who wants a girl or a women in their life to succeed should read this book. It’ll change lives.
+1 for Why We Sleep, alarming, insightful and ultimately likely to add years the lives of those who read it.