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I would love all of that but so far none has been delivered.

When you play what has been delivered, it feels like a shitty side project put together in a hurry. Game crashes. Current art is ugly. Interiors are empty and feels fake. Performance is sluggish even on top of line PCs. Physics are no fun. Collisions are not properly implemented. Every ships and players look the same.

They should call this project a failure and release the resources currently being stuck in this project.

> I would love all of that but so far none has been delivered

This is objectively false, and you seem to have a serious chip on your shoulder.

I played their last open play session, and I definitely jumped in a ship with multiple friends, flew to several different planets, flew down to their surface, transitioned between different atmospheric environments.

I had a lot of fun with it.

It's one thing to say, "I don't like what they've done." It's another to say, "They haven't done something." when they objectively have.

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