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Modern CRPG's are pretty great, I enjoyed all of the following:

- Divinity OS 1/2

- Underrail

- Age of Decadence

- Bastard Bonds

- Serpent in the Staglands

- Tyranny

- Torment: Tides of Numenera

However, I did not care for Pillars of Eternity at all.

I feel like Tyranny is greatly under rated. There are rough edges for sure, but the story line and atmosphere sucked me in in a way that I haven't experienced in a long time. Really fun combat system too.

Yeah, I was looking for this comment before I created another. Surprised by how little Tyranny has been mentioned.

Having played BG, Neverwinter, and after a long hiatus Pillars (but none of the above) can you elaborate a little? I liked the health/encounter system in Pillars. Spamming rests was no longer an option but having per encounter powers and health kept the game fun and balenced.

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