The Pragmatic Programmer
Clean Code
The Clean Coder
Domain-Driven Design
Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests
Continuous Delivery
I have a confession to make: I haven't read any of those books, and I'm not really planning to.
I have read some other broad-spectrum programming books (Mythical Man-Month, Code Complete, Design Patterns, Peopleware, some lesser known ones). I've read a summary of DDD. I've read many blog posts linked to from HN relating aspects of those books. But I've never read that specific set of books.
I wonder if I'm really missing out much by not having read them, but I'm not motivated enough to find out by reading them, because there's other books I have on my reading list first (e.g. currently re-reading DDIA, after that I have Tufte lined up). Also, I never get signals from my surroundings that there are gaps in my skill set that those books would fill. Besides, having read some books is already a leg up, since many (most?) programmers don't read books.
I picked up Pragmatic Programmer just a few days ago and am loving it. While many of the lessons I have figured out already on my own, the book helps qualify and solidify them, giving you a place to reference if you want to teach someone else about them or push for something on your team.
I think the biggest thing is that they are rather easy reads, it is nothing like diving into TAoCP.
I have read some other broad-spectrum programming books (Mythical Man-Month, Code Complete, Design Patterns, Peopleware, some lesser known ones). I've read a summary of DDD. I've read many blog posts linked to from HN relating aspects of those books. But I've never read that specific set of books.
I wonder if I'm really missing out much by not having read them, but I'm not motivated enough to find out by reading them, because there's other books I have on my reading list first (e.g. currently re-reading DDIA, after that I have Tufte lined up). Also, I never get signals from my surroundings that there are gaps in my skill set that those books would fill. Besides, having read some books is already a leg up, since many (most?) programmers don't read books.