As a mid-career DINC in a 2% income bracket married to a 1%'er, I too, have money but not much time. That is why I will never not use a Linux desktop. Everything just works on my XPS 13 arch + i3. I also own the previous gen mbpro, I think I used that last year may. Just the idea of me wasting time with osx or windows is sneeringly ludicrous.
As a mid-career DINC in a 2% income bracket married to a 1%'er, I too, have money but not much time. That is why I will never not use a Linux desktop. Everything just works on my XPS 13 arch + i3. I also own the previous gen mbpro, I think I used that last year may. Just the idea of me wasting time with osx or windows is sneeringly ludicrous.