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You're both off-topic and dead wrong. Don't you know there are tons of successful people who taught themselves everything from basic literacy to advanced sciences later in their life? Not even talking about "late bloomers", rather, people who lived illiterate well into their teens and twenties. How do you explain this ability to learn?

They're outliers? There are physical realities that happen to your brain that make it more difficult to learn as you get older. Now, I certainly recognize that many aspects of the current education system are overblown. But you're going to have a difficult time convincing me preschool is as dispensable as college.

> There are physical realities that happen to your brain that make it more difficult to learn as you get older.

Only if you believe them. Sure, everything gets harder as you get older, including the 'basics' (such as walking). But for some learning was never easy, always hard work. The difference age adds to that is just another hurdle to overcome.

The big trick is to never stop learning.

> Now, I certainly recognize that many aspects of the current education system are overblown. But you're going to have a difficult time convincing me preschool is as dispensable as college.

Attitude is the one thing that is in-dispensable when it comes to learning, all else - including age - can be overcome.

Yup, not to mention that there is more value in 'How to win friends and influence people' than in most 4 year degrees.

Friends of mine joined the accounting club at their university because it had the best hockey pool.

So they end up at the end of the year invited to some wine and cheese thing where the guys from KPMG, et al, are talent scouting. Being the accounting club they are hanging out with a bunch of wall flowers. Started chatting with the guys from KPMG and at the end of the event they all have job offers, so my friend finally says we'd love to accept but we're english majors, they say, don't worry, if you really need to learn accounting we'll pay you to go take it.

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