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What I would gladly pay 100$/month for is Vim with correct syntax highlighting, intellisense and nice plugins (such as fuzzy finder) by default.

It would not need to be Vim, but I have only tried one Vim emulator that didn't suck and was terminal-first: emacs with evil-mode. Let that be the bar for vim-emulation.

Why is nobody doing this? I think this would appeal to a lot of people.

The criteria for me to to pay for something like this would be:

1. Terminal first. It would either have to become my main shell or open fast within my shell.

2. Vim based or with GOOD Vim emulation. Macros, remapping and all normal mode key combinations must be implemented.

3. Fast terminal<->editor loop. I don't want to wait >300ms to edit a file.

4. Actual production quality zero-config syntax highlighting, intellisense and fuzzyfinder.

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