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It's more complicated that that. Whilst some people are probably jumping on kubernetes for the hype, there's a lot of things it makes really easy, especially for less experience teams.

For example:

- You want to spin up ephemeral environments to test PRs end2end. Sure, create a namespace, deploy your charts and run your tests. You want to do that with ansible, sure you can, but it's harder.

- You org is running apps via a multi-cloud and on-prem strategy? Okay, lets just write lots of tooling per cloud and another for on-prem, or we could abstract that away via kubernetes and only worry about tooling for kube itself.

- You want to do have rolling-upgrades. Sure, you build them with ansible then, or you could just use kubes.

Further to that, kubernetes is guiding reasonble abstractions, seperating infrastructure from code. Sure, it comes with complexity, but so does most things when you start throwing in scaling and auto-recovery.

For example, deploy terraform from your laptop? The device you probably browse porn on has becomes an attack surface. Move this to Jenkins, the CI is the attack surface. Put your code on Bitbucket? Bitbucket and the Jenkinsfile becomes the attack surface. Pretty much everything we do has complexity and attack surface _problems_ and using a managed k8s service will allow you some easy wins so you can actually think about those other problems, and those solutions will work on all platforms you can run k8s on.

Can I ask because I'm genuinely interested - what on earth do you do for third-party applications (for eg. closed source) that have to be integrated into your environment that don't come pre-packaged in a convenient container?

Do you containerize these yourselves, whether or not the vendor says that will support that? Or does it get pushed to some other team that manages whole VM's/AWS instances that are not container hosts.

Or is this a scenario that just doesn't happen in your environment?

Genuinely curious.


> using a managed k8s service will allow you some easy wins so you can actually think about those other problems, and those solutions will work on all platforms you can run k8s on

None of which matters one jot, if one cannot properly manage ingress/egress filtering on one's API endpoints, or a reasonable level of password/credential security. One will be used for cryptomining or worse, as per the fine article.

In that instance, one needs to go back and get some basic UNIX/Linux/network and security training before one starts playing with complicated software on publicly connected clouds. Or hire some people who actually know what they are doing with respect to that.

> Can I ask because I'm genuinely interested - what on earth do you do for third-party applications (for eg. closed source) that have to be integrated into your environment that don't come pre-packaged in a convenient container?

Depends what it is. I've taken a number of apps and wrapped them into docker containers and then written a helm chart. Some orgs get a bit skittish over "vendor support" but this usually only matters when they think it's a key product.

The point is, once you have a fleet, you should manage everything the same. If you're off building other pet services, you're going to have capacity problems.

> None of which matters one jot, if one cannot properly manage ingress/egress filtering on one's API endpoints, or a reasonable level of password/credential security. One will be used for cryptomining or worse, as per the fine article.

I mean sure, but I did say use a managed service, which will come with auth. Similarly I wouldn't recommend you host services on any cloud or network facing the public, without a professional involved.

For example AWS is easy to get wrong all the same. One of my current client is busy hiring developers with no experience to put services on AWS, and they came up with no encryption, no auth, no monitoring, misconfigured IAM. What's really the difference between that and kube?

> Do you containerize these yourselves, whether or not the vendor says that will support that? Or does it get pushed to some other team that manages whole VM's/AWS instances that are not container hosts.

Working with large enterprises, I've seen both. If there's a good business case for the risk vs rewards (i.e. containers providing something technically useful which can be translated directly into revenue) and a good engineering + management team, some companies will actually risk it.

There's also the factor of how good the company's relationship with the third-party vendor is. Some companies have the weight to make the vendor support the unsupportable.

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