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> another thing that's frequently criticised by those who don't actually understand how computers work and try to "solve" problems by merely slathering everything in thicker and thicker layers of leaky abstraction

I think that you're being quite unkind. Haskell's Maybe type and Rust's Option types are very far from "leaky abstractions" and were developed by people who definitely understand how computers work. In fact, your description of them appears to indicate that you aren't really sure how they work (None doesn't take up "half of the value") -- the point of typeclasses is that cases where NULL is a reasonable value are explicit and your code won't compile if you don't handle NULL cases. Allowing NULL implicitly for many (if not all) types is where problems lie.

It also appears you're arguing that languages which don't have models that are strictly identical to the von Neumann architecture are "merely slathering everything [with] leaky abstraction". Would you argue that LISPs are just leaky abstractions?

Yep! It's worth restating the fact that wrapping a pointer in an Option in Rust actually takes up NO extra space, because Rust's smart enough to just optimize it back into a nullable pointer.


Well, a better comparison would be Typescript with strict null type checking enabled. You just use algebraic data types to specify whether a value can be null.

`Option<T>` in Rust is basically identical to `T | null` in TypeScript.

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