Great talk! I’ve watched a lot of Hickey’s talks over the years, and thought he might have "run out of steam" by now. But there are some new insights here that I enjoyed.
One of his main points is that Maybe is context-dependent, and other aspects of schemas are as well. This is a great and underappreciated point.
It’s related to a subtle but important point that Google learned the hard way over many years with respect to protocol buffers. There’s an internal wiki page that says it better, but this argument has spilled out on to the Internet:
In proto3, they removed the ability to specify whether a field is optional. People say that the reason is “backward compatibility”, which is true, but I think Hickey’s analysis actually gets to the core of the issue.
The issue is that the shape/schema of data is an idea that can be reused across multiple contexts, while optional/required is context-specific. They are two separate things conflated by type systems when you use constructs like Maybe.
When you are threading protocol buffers through long chains of servers written and deployed at different times (and there are many of these core distributed types at Google), then you'll start to appreciate why this is an important issue.
One of his main points is that Maybe is context-dependent, and other aspects of schemas are as well. This is a great and underappreciated point.
It’s related to a subtle but important point that Google learned the hard way over many years with respect to protocol buffers. There’s an internal wiki page that says it better, but this argument has spilled out on to the Internet:
In proto3, they removed the ability to specify whether a field is optional. People say that the reason is “backward compatibility”, which is true, but I think Hickey’s analysis actually gets to the core of the issue.
The issue is that the shape/schema of data is an idea that can be reused across multiple contexts, while optional/required is context-specific. They are two separate things conflated by type systems when you use constructs like Maybe.
When you are threading protocol buffers through long chains of servers written and deployed at different times (and there are many of these core distributed types at Google), then you'll start to appreciate why this is an important issue.
(copy of comment)