"The dating game in this country is broken, as evidence I point at the 50%+ divorce rate."
That stat is always brought up as proof of the failure of marriage. To me it validates marriage.
Seriously, if you told a computing engine that two people committed to each other (often when young), and they always had the option of saying adieu, and asked what percentage would over the entirety of their lives, it would probably estimate somewhere in the 100% range of people wouldn't stick it out.
Just look at the evidence: How many people stick to anything they commit to, much less something with a commitment often greater than 60 years.
If almost half of marriages remain, that is just shockingly high.
My guess is a not insignificant chunk of that 50% is people being willing to stay in an unhappy marriage because the social, legal,and financial consequences of divorce are so destructive.
That stat is always brought up as proof of the failure of marriage. To me it validates marriage.
Seriously, if you told a computing engine that two people committed to each other (often when young), and they always had the option of saying adieu, and asked what percentage would over the entirety of their lives, it would probably estimate somewhere in the 100% range of people wouldn't stick it out.
Just look at the evidence: How many people stick to anything they commit to, much less something with a commitment often greater than 60 years.
If almost half of marriages remain, that is just shockingly high.