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I don't know if it's necessarily "hate" per-se, but go read one or more forums on something like Reddit.

Depending on the forum, and the size of the comments, you'll sometimes see something like:


"too long; didn't read"

In some cases, you'll see a post where there will be a "TL;DR" section summarizing the "long form" version just below it.

The funny thing is, the "long form" might only be a paragraph or two, but apparently for a certain segment of the population who read forums, even that much information is "TL;DR" worthy.

These people don't want to read anything that won't fit inside a tweet. I'd dare say that for some, even 280 characters is just too much text to digest.

It leaves no room for thoughtful discourse. It leaves no room for intelligent debate and conversation.

I see such brush-offs of conversation online, and couple it with what I have heard of some people who eschew being alone; who need noise (particularly people around them talking with each other) so that they don't have to listen to their own thoughts - and it makes me shudder to think to what end our society will arrive at.

In a way, we are already witnessing its decline.

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