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That’s pretty harsh, it really depends on the platform/project. If you’re doing a lot of development on windows for example you’re probably not doing a ton on the command line (not everyone is on a Mac doing web or mobile). I know doing Unity3d game development in windows 10 the only time I really use the command line is when I need to do something in git that sourcetree can’t do. And I know the command line plenty well! There’s just no huge reason for this current project.

Plus some languages sort of have their own customs. Like if you were doing Smalltalk a lot of things you’d use a command line for in web development or mobile dev you’d use a workspace in the IDE instead. And then you have Lisp, where people used to joke that Emacs had become its own OS essentially.

Sure you can find focused exceptions, but the command-line+scripting is the cross-platform interface for developers, power users, and admins.

Even MS finally succumbed to reality when Ballmer finally got the boot.

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