Cool, but I don't think I could get away with marketing a raspberry pi as a "quantum computer" because its bits change suddenly, discretely, and without intermediate steps.
Like it or not, "quantum" has accumulated a) more connotations that make it less likely to be interpreted as "sudden or discrete" by most people, and b) an association with other pseudosciency buzzwords that don't have a very good reputation in product names.
... it also makes perfect sense as a ruse if you figure all those buzzword-chasing QuantumComputinAIDeepLearningBlockchainOfThings will be flocking around something that is not just useful but also buzzword compatible.
IBM has spent a bit of money drumming up all things Quantum (while being at most moderately more successful at actual useful QC implementation), it would be ironic if some of the buzz (in people who think Quantum is the "next big thing" without knowing how actual current QC would benefit them) now transfers to something useful and real but not-QC
> Of a change, sudden or discrete, without intermediate stages.
It makes perfect sense if you know what the word means.