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> Restaurants are so loud because architects don’t design them to be quiet.

Wrong. Restaurants are so loud because people are so loud.

My wife and I were at Freeman's in Downtown Manhattan the other day. It was so loud we decided to scream to see if anyone noticed. And since noone seemed to turn their heads, we screamed louder and louder, and literally no one could hear us.

This is an American thing, it doesn't happen in Paris, nor in London, nor in Japan, nor in Mexico.

Yes, Americans are loud. But the acoustics of the space one talks do in fact make a difference. If the surrounding space reflects a lot of sound, the restaurant will be louder than if the surrounding space absorbs a lot of sound.

And that, in fact is what the article is about.

sure, yes, but architects _never_ paid attention to acoustics when designing restaurants (or maybe the very few super sound-concious).

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