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Yes, it's important to the restaurant to know if your meal is okay while there's still a chance to do something about it. It's also a chance to ask for anything else without a restaurant of people flagging down the wait staff.

Somehow other cultures (IME: China, many parts of Europe, Korea) do fine with people being expected to flag down wait staff when they want to talk to them.

interrupt and polling based models each have their own pros and cons. neither is inherently better than the other.

As per the name, only one of those models actually interrupts your meal though. Quite often it's literally as I'm chewing the first bite. So by those metrics, the most irritating waiters would have the best times.

My pet hate is when I'm asked questions while I'm actually eating and I'm expected to answer with a mouth full of food.

I always dreamed of a restaurant that has call buttons on the table, like in a plane or hospital.

> My pet hate is when I'm asked questions while I'm actually eating and I'm expected to answer with a mouth full of food.

I definitely understand that this can be very annoying, but like I said, there are tradeoffs to both. Being a bit socially anxious myself, I prefer not to have to compete with the other diners for the server's attention, so the polling model is better for me.

as an aside, when I go to nicer restaurants I find that the servers tend to be more skilled/graceful. I don't know exactly how they do it, but they always seem to come by at the perfect moment to check whether the food is okay without interrupting a bite/conversation.

in theory, call buttons would be pretty nice, but I think some people would find it to cheapen the experience.

> call buttons on the table

A lot of Japanese and Korean restaurants (and maybe more) have exactly that.

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