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> Rust, checking a connection out is a single function call on the pool

Still a pain in the arse when you are making function calls inside a transaction and dealing with the the connection reference lifetime.

> Go, the connection pooling is all handled transparently behind the scenes

This actually has a few nasty properties. Firstly, executing two simple queries in seemingly sequential Go code actually execute in parallel. Secondly, it's possible for Go's connection pooling to cause some very nasty failures. Rather than timing out at the first of a bunch of normally fast but now unusually slow queries (because of a lock etc), Go will keep spawning new connections and parking running but not yet timed out queryies until everything is on fire. Max connections is definitely a good idea.

> It's easy enough to increase the number

Only if you can restart your DB. Which, if you're trying to scale up under load, is the last thing you want to do.

> automatically scale down the connection pool when connections are idle for a given period of time

PgBouncer has supported this since release.

> PgBouncer doesn't work with prepared statements

Prepared statements themselves work fine. The problem is many ORMs do fragile, non-deterministic things with caching named prepared statements to improve throughput in simple scenarios.

Using named prepared statements can also cause other issues because it signals to PG that it's OK to use a generic query in some cases. It might not be!

> Only if you can restart your DB.

I'm talking about client-side connection count maximums, not server-side. It's just a setting in connection pools like Rust and Go have.

> Prepared statements themselves work fine. The problem is many ORMs do fragile, non-deterministic things with caching named prepared statements to improve throughput in simple scenarios.

Postgres specifically supports unnamed prepared statements as a feature, and PgBouncer's model cannot do anything to help those. One connection creates this statement, and another tries to execute it. In fact, PgBouncer's docs specifically say that they do not support prepared statements, and not to use them, so your claim is contrary to the docs.

I really don't want to even bother with your Rust and Go comments, since they are just nonsense. Lifetimes are not a problem with function calls involving transactions in Rust. At all. I work with Ruby, Rust, and PostgreSQL professionally at my current full-time job. I've written a lot of queries, and many of those involved transactions.

Go will not execute two seemingly sequential queries in parallel. It will execute them sequentially. When you run a query, it's a synchronous process, unless you specifically launch that query in its own separate goroutine... in which case, it is absolutely not a surprise that it runs in parallel, because you did that. Your slippery slope argument is completely nullified by this property. If you don't set a maximum database connection limit and your web server receives another request that requires a connection, it's no surprise that it tries to open another database connection to help service that web request. From the beginning, it appeared you were making the argument that connection pools should not be used, and therefore each request just handles its own connections... which would also be unbounded just like this. Fortunately, Go and Rust database pools provide an option to limit the upper bound. I worked with Go and MySQL professionally at my previous full-time job.

Then... you're defending PgBouncer?! I thought you hated connection pools? PgBouncer is great at what it does, but what it does is a painful headache to deal with, because it breaks half the features any normal Postgres client expects to work seamlessly. You can't just prop it up in front of a database and expect things to "just work".

You're presenting information like you have all this experience, but my experience clearly indicates that what you're saying is just plainly wrong. I don't see any benefit to either of us in continuing this discussion further. I'm out.

> I thought you hated connection pools?

No, you're just being unnecessarily rude. I just said I thought that fine-grained checkin-checkout like Go and Rust encourage is somewhat overrated. There's no need to be hostile.

> Postgres specifically supports unnamed prepared statements as a feature, and PgBouncer's model cannot do anything to help those.

PqExecParams (single phase prepared statement) works fine over PgBouncer. That's what I'm talking about. This is different to PREPARE & EXEC. You can't actually do a single phase prepared statement from psql, AFAIK, only via client libraries. https://www.postgresql.org/docs/11/libpq-exec.html

I agree, the PgBouncer documentation could be clearer. I think they just don't want people trying it to file bug reports. PREPARE and EXEC can actually work even over statement pooling but you need to make sure your connection setup statements prepare all the necessary statements.

> it's a synchronous process, unless you specifically launch that query in its own separate goroutine

You're right, I'm getting two things mixed up here. It is a while since I dealt with this problem.

1) The auto-checkout can mean you end up executing related statements on different connections. IMHO this is highly confusing to have as default behaviour and I prefer the Rust approach.

2) By default Go will just keep piling up Goroutines blocked on slow queries and open more DB connections and kill a DB server.

Reference for both: http://go-database-sql.org/connection-pool.html

> Rust database pools provide an option to limit the upper bound

If you're using Rust + Diesel + PG it's actually limited to 10 by default via R2D2: https://github.com/sfackler/r2d2/blob/ad9cdb9f1446c729240cf8...

I really think that's a lot saner than "open as many DB connections as you like, what could possibly Go wrong"

If you don't believe me that Diesel and single phase prepared statements work with PgBouncer, believe the Diesel maintainer, Sean Griffin: https://github.com/diesel-rs/diesel/issues/1028

I'm back to working in Rust again and plan on opening a PR to resolve this issue.

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