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Thanks for those numbers. Singapore's (official) homicide rate has gone down even further in recent years, but maybe the others have too. (edit: never mind; my memory/googlefu is failing me)

A nitpick: Germany (and many other countries) don't really have free speech because of Holocaust denials laws; the laws are written rather broadly [1]. But sure, it's less onerous than in Singapore.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laws_against_Holocaust_denial

I am from Germany and I know the law as well as all the other laws that make freedom of speech in Germany not quite as free as freedom of speech in, say, the USA. I would personally much prefer US-style freedom of speech but I also think that freedom of speech is not a binary property and that Germany as a whole is doing quite well.

No country, the US included, has free speech, because slander and threats are punishable everywhere, even though they are only speech. Countries just disagree on what constitutes slander, a threat and similar universally outlawed acts of speech.

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