Howdy, HN'ers;
A few weeks ago, we had an idea for a fun side project: a sorta-Memcache-like data storage system that could be trivially used for building simple web apps. After a few evenings of hacking, @dustball and I are pleased to present OpenKeyval.
OpenKeyval is a completely open key-value data store, exposed as a drop-dead simple web service. The goal is to make this a very easy way to persist data in web applications.
As a data storage system, it's pretty basic: you can store any data you want under a particular key, and then fetch it later. You can also serve it back with a particular MIME type, so it can be used to serve small resources. The keyword small is operative here: the data is limited to 64 KiB, which is plenty of space for storing interesting data, but not really big enough for storing images or any other sort of media.
As a social experiment, I think it's sort of fun: there's no authentication of any kind -- just come up with sufficiently unique keys to make it unlikely that anyone else will stumble upon them. Scouts honour that anything you put here is safe in our hands.
I'm curious as to what people think this might be useful for, and if you have any feature requests. I'd love to see people try to build something with it -- but go easy on us, since it's just an experiment. :)
If you want to help people make webapps, promote the jsonp store to the top of the documentation and explanation of how it is used (including the fact that you aren't going to be able to store anywhere near 64kib with it -- more like ~2kb). While it is less neat, it seems to be the only viable solution for todays non-IE limitations on cross-site form posting.