Meanwhile, the IDF wanted me to drive a truck. And jailed me for 7 months for not being able to. They let me go, as I wasn't of any use to them otherwise.
FF to 2018 (that's 15 years I haven't had any sort of driving license) and lo and behold, I am a certified tractor operator. Turns out I can manage all that signage and other drivers bullshit, provided it all doesn't move too fast. And mostly doesn't come up in my work.
I've had my license for 12+ years now, but as soon as I moved into the city, I sold my car. Even with a child I get by just fine with carsharing services, Uber/taxis and public transit.
I've never needed to drive. It would be mildly more convenient if I could, but not enough for me to justify spending another few dozen hours practicing to pass the test when it'll be an obsolete skill soon enough
It's still nice to have it. You gain a lot of independence be it home or on vacation. It's nice not being dependent on taxis/public transport or anyone else. This holds especially true if you are not in an urban area, and busses that don't drive 24/7 classify as those, so it's not only the typical "rural" regions.
And no, it won't be obsolete soon. And by "soon" I mean what I wrote earlier, 10+ years.