Its a bit of a sleeper but I find Kdevelop to be the by far best Python IDE out there. Theres some arcane magic in its code completion, semantic highlighter, and ability to somehow find documentation from the ether that nothing else can compete with.
Ever try PyCharm by jetbrains? It’s also pretty amazing and works on Linux. They have a neat feature where it will deep link into online documentation and it’s fully customizable. I’m just wondering how it compares
I've used both and PyCharm wins for me. Much better ergonomics for handling projects, and some very useful plugins like the DB browser. The pay for version also has support for Django.
However, I'll give Kdevelop another go with the latest version and see if it's improved since last time (about 2 years ago).
I have to do some PHP sometimes (don't judge!) and it would be great to only have one IDE for both. Jetbrains PHP + Python is a bit too much to spend IMO.
You could get the flagship product, Intellij IDEA, which gives you Java, PHP, Ruby, Python, Rust, Go, JS and all the other languages JetBrains has plugins for.
Jetbrains is kind of famous for having/writing their own code completion framework.
AFAIK, the rust plugin doesn't use the Language Server like "everyone else" but some other kind of code intelligence/completion.
And i must say, Jetbrains knows their stuff. Atleast for java, it feels almost like magic what IntelliJ is doing.
I would be surprised if PyCharm used jedi and rope.