As you can see, the make-cbn-val constructor packages up the argument as an object ("thunk") that contains zero-argument lambda for getting the value, and a one-argument setter.
Inside a call-by-name function, references to all the call-by-name arguments are converted according to the pattern X -> (cbn-val X), using a lexical macro.
(cbn-val ...) syntax is treated as a place thanks to the (defplace (cbn-val thunk) ...) definition.
In the following, the (inc a) applied on the call-by-name argument a turns into (set-cbn-val #:g0098 (succ (cbn-val #:g0098)))): get the value, find successor, store the value.
An empty function is defined, named by a gensym. Two steps later in the progn, this function binding is overwritten with the real function. A macro called foo is generated which provides the syntactic sugar for calling foo, automatically converting the arguments to thunks. The syntax (foo a b c) turns into (cbn #:g0091 a b c), which is another macro operator for doing call by name.
The actual function starts at (lambda (#g:0092) ...). The (let ((foo)) ...) part simulates another Algol feature: returning a value is done by assigning to the function name. Our function returns nil because it doesn't assign anything to foo.
The make-struct call is an expansion of the new macro operator; that comes from the object system:
11> (macroexpand-1 '(make-cbn-val x))
(new cbn-thunk
get (lambda () x)
set (lambda (#:g0104)
(set x #:g0104)))
In action: watch x get incremented by foo:
12> (defvar x 10)
13> (foo x)
14> x
Of course, this is objectionably hacky because foo isn't a function; we can't pass it around or anything.
The goal was only to solve the Rosetta Code "Man or boy" task, with a focus on actually emulating the language features to some degree of fidelity, so that the program could truly be a transliteration of Knuth's code into Lisp expressions, almost node for node.
Call-by-name in Lisp macros, to implement Knuth's "Man or boy test" program:
As you can see, the make-cbn-val constructor packages up the argument as an object ("thunk") that contains zero-argument lambda for getting the value, and a one-argument setter.
Inside a call-by-name function, references to all the call-by-name arguments are converted according to the pattern X -> (cbn-val X), using a lexical macro.
(cbn-val ...) syntax is treated as a place thanks to the (defplace (cbn-val thunk) ...) definition.
In the following, the (inc a) applied on the call-by-name argument a turns into (set-cbn-val #:g0098 (succ (cbn-val #:g0098)))): get the value, find successor, store the value.
An empty function is defined, named by a gensym. Two steps later in the progn, this function binding is overwritten with the real function. A macro called foo is generated which provides the syntactic sugar for calling foo, automatically converting the arguments to thunks. The syntax (foo a b c) turns into (cbn #:g0091 a b c), which is another macro operator for doing call by name.The actual function starts at (lambda (#g:0092) ...). The (let ((foo)) ...) part simulates another Algol feature: returning a value is done by assigning to the function name. Our function returns nil because it doesn't assign anything to foo.
The call (foo x) expands like this:
Or fully: The make-struct call is an expansion of the new macro operator; that comes from the object system: In action: watch x get incremented by foo: Of course, this is objectionably hacky because foo isn't a function; we can't pass it around or anything.The goal was only to solve the Rosetta Code "Man or boy" task, with a focus on actually emulating the language features to some degree of fidelity, so that the program could truly be a transliteration of Knuth's code into Lisp expressions, almost node for node.