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There is some evidence that you can beat the overall market by overweighting ETFs that are trending higher or whose relative strength is higher.

I created a site ( http://ETFtable.com ) to make doing this pretty easy. Sorry for the plug, but I think it's contextually relevant. Let me know what you think.

I put on my skeptical hat when I hear claims like that. I'd have to see extremely solid evidence to believe it.

Nice site! Layout is cool. I haven't dabbled too much in ETFs or tools for researching them, so I'll have to pass on any judgment due to a lack of context. Still, I'm sure someone will find some use for it.

Here are some backtested results of some RS ETF strategies. Specific industry, asset class, and country ETFs just haven't been around long enough to really backtest for long-term out-performance, but these seem to indicate you can beat the overall market with lower drawdowns with an RS ETF strategy: http://etfprophet.com/two-simple-relative-strength-rotation-... http://www.bpas.com/media/HBT/dent_tactical_r3.pdf

Thanks, Nathan. I'll be giving these a look later today!

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