Very interesting! We built something very similar a few years ago for visualizing code complexity (or other metrics) over large code bases, it's also open-source:
Nice! We also have an internal tool for this that was somewhat recently open-sourced: It's been quite useful in several projects I've been on, especially when used on legacy codebases to visualize improvement as a refactoring/rebuild project progresses.
This is really neat, does your team/you actually use this in a meaningful way? Take a snapshot of a project occasionally to get an idea of whether it's getting unwieldy, etc.?
We offered this as part of our SaaS product (now retired, The data was generated using a tool called "checkmate" (, which produced various metrics grouped by directory for each git commit of a project (in an efficient way). This data was then used to generate the visualizations.
An example for the data generated by checkmate can be found here:
For a given git commit, checkmate only re-analyzed the files that changed and then recomputed all metrics on the fly using the new and existing file revisions, which would take only a few seconds to minutes even for very large projects.
We actually use our similar tool (see my reply to parent comment) in a typical CI/CD pipeline. The generated output can be visualized and browsed anytime. The tool can visualize differences between different analysis states, which makes it very useful to demonstrate progress as a project grows, especially on pre-existing codebases that are refactored/rebuilt.
In theory you can use it for other languages as well, you'd "just" need to implement an analyzer for that language using checkmate. Currently we do not actively develop this project so I'm not able to help you with this, will be happy to provide guidance on the process if you want to implement it yourself.
How can you mention those tools without also noting their most famous on-screen appearance: the "hacking" scene from Jurassic Park :-)
This is almost the opposite of what you're asking for, but I am reminded of a rather more 2D version of these tools for finding what is using up space on your hard drive: the very excellent SpaceSniffer [1], which is sadly only for Windows.
That looks promising; pity it doesn't put the file/directory name in the graph. It looks like KDirStat and its successor QDirStat have a split pane view, with file names at the top and anonymous rectangles representing file sizes at the button. It's hard to express how much more effective it is to see all the information in one visualisation. It sounds like a small thing but it's really the whole point of the tool.
The are issues about it in the QDirStat repo. The author has two objections: The first is that it would look ugly. That's pretty silly: obviously function is more important than looks when I'm tracking down disc space usage. Their other objection is that in Linux you have such a wide directory structure that all the labels would be uselessly crushed into tiny boxes anyway. That also doesn't make much sense to me; even if you have a lot of directories in your tour directory, usually there's only one or two containing the vast majority of disc usage (that's why the tool's useful on the first place!) so their labels will be clear, and if the others aren't then I don't care because I'm not interested in then in the first place. Perhaps the real problem is that QDirStat doesn't have the ability zoom in and out, and to increase and decrease the visibility depth, that SpaceSniffer does, which is also needed to make labels useful.
Sorry, I didn't mean for that to turn into an essay!
K8S was the second thing I tried (after randomly trying hashicorp/vault). It took about a minute to load on my Toshiba CB30, but it actually worked! Rotated at 0.3 FPS though.
Similar result to what is being described on Safari with this on Chrome - slows down to 1 fps, and some of the gray boxes to seem to be rendering with a red one.
It immediately errored out on the server. Also, I recognize your username from a transitive dependency, I think from blackfriday (markdown library), so thanks for your contribution!
Some kind of treemap [1] might be a better visualization option, 3D visualizations are notoriously hard to navigate. NDepend [2] is a code analysis tool for .NET which, among other things, uses treemaps to visualize code bases. There are also a versions for Java [3] and C++ [4].
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Cool! Interestingly I always use a similar metaphor on my own projects. For instance, the event system may be seem as the roads linking different blocks (domains), each with their own building (module).
why no webgl app likes to include canvas (mesa?) polyfill? isn't there any good one? or they all assume 5~15s delay for a static visualization is worse than no visualization?
Here's e.g. the cityscape visualization of the Django codebase:
We also did some 2D versions of the same graphs, which are often a bit easier to interact with.