Bunch of numbers with some letters up to F? Should be hex:
"code:3564, submit"
The final piece can be decoded using the same process to "submit-code".
Middle piece can be decoded to hex: "0746F3A2068747470733A2F2F7873746563682E65752F" but I didn't get past this because this hex gives me a binary that I could not make sense of.
i find the fact that you created a HN account just to troll us with your little puzzle to be 'counterproductive'. you're not the NSA, you're a PHP dev house. respect people's time and maybe you'll get the applicants you're looking for
The == at the end looked like base64 so:
Decoding "QzBERTgyNDYKCjYzNkY2NDY1M0EzMzM1MzYzNDJDMjA3Mzc1NjI2RDY5NzQy" gives us:
Bunch of numbers with some letters up to F? Should be hex:
"code:3564, submit"
The final piece can be decoded using the same process to "submit-code".
Middle piece can be decoded to hex: "0746F3A2068747470733A2F2F7873746563682E65752F" but I didn't get past this because this hex gives me a binary that I could not make sense of.
Better luck to the next :P