Boston's still number 2 (behind silicon valley) in most recommendations of places to start a startup (in terms of available capital, nerds/smart people, and proximity to other growing businesses).
Another part of the argument goes along the lines of:
The YC Founders program is a 3 month intense program where the objective is to build as much of something people want during those 3 months while avoiding distractions of the real world.
In my own experience, unless you have a lot of friends in the Boston/Cambridge area - it's a lot easier to whole up down in Central/Harvard Square in Cambridge - than it is anywhere in San Fran or Palo Alto. There's just too much to do in the bay area (startup related networking / yc folks to chill with...etc).
Another part of the argument goes along the lines of: The YC Founders program is a 3 month intense program where the objective is to build as much of something people want during those 3 months while avoiding distractions of the real world.
In my own experience, unless you have a lot of friends in the Boston/Cambridge area - it's a lot easier to whole up down in Central/Harvard Square in Cambridge - than it is anywhere in San Fran or Palo Alto. There's just too much to do in the bay area (startup related networking / yc folks to chill with...etc).