Statement from Professor Yonatan Aumann, advisor to Tel Aviv-based LawGeex, on LawGeex AI:
“The technology has been developed through a combination of supervised and unsupervised learning techniques. Unsupervised learning was used for teaching the AI engine the core legalese language. Thereafter, supervised learning, using deep learning multi-layer LSTM and convolution technology, was used to train the system for the fine-tuned issue-spotting. Supervision was performed based on human-annotated documents, using legal experts. A unique augmentation algorithm was applied to boost learning from these examples. The overall result is the most advanced technology for the automatic analysis of legal documents. The p-value for the statement that accuracy of AI is above that of these lawyers is 0.0068 (using MannWhitney’s U test).
“The technology has been developed through a combination of supervised and unsupervised learning techniques. Unsupervised learning was used for teaching the AI engine the core legalese language. Thereafter, supervised learning, using deep learning multi-layer LSTM and convolution technology, was used to train the system for the fine-tuned issue-spotting. Supervision was performed based on human-annotated documents, using legal experts. A unique augmentation algorithm was applied to boost learning from these examples. The overall result is the most advanced technology for the automatic analysis of legal documents. The p-value for the statement that accuracy of AI is above that of these lawyers is 0.0068 (using MannWhitney’s U test).