Redux is based on the Flux Architecture. In particular, it carries on the idea of describing events or state update requests as plain objects. One of the key insights of Redux is that you can then write additional logic to act on those actions as they progress through a centralized pipeline (ie, middleware).
I've seen lots of Redux-alikes that are "Redux, but without reducers/actions/etc". They mostly claim that they're making things simpler, and in some ways, maybe they do. But, what they're also doing is throwing away the ability to act on those actions as they get dispatched. If I "dispatch a function", I can't programmatically inspect its contents, modify it, log it, attach additional info to it, or all the other myriad of useful things you can do with a plain object.
As for the type strings, you need some kind of useful identifier to distinguish different action objects. You could use Symbols, but those don't serialize well. You could use numbers, but those aren't very meaningful when viewed in an action history log. Ultimately, you want your app's reducer logic, middleware, and the action history itself to be readable and semantically meaningful.
I think then perhaps redux may simply not be for me. I do feel like unfortunately a lot of teams use it anyway, giving React and a few other things a complex feel. When you suddenly take it out of React, at least for simple use-cases, you suddenly feel like React is incredibly simple.
If more teams had been more selective about Redux or to simply use it JUST for global state things like color themes, logged in user, and probably a half dozen other things it might have fewer people burned on it.
I'm definitely not in your shoes - you're a redux maintainer and I do apologize for my "clusterfuck" comment. But I think fewer people would be burned if architects at the top didn't mis-use and abuse. I've been in projects where just about every tiny little input, checkbox, on 30 or so forms had to go through a convoluted redux action. Then when I finally got into my own React usage, without redux, it was like a super-genius baby landed in my lap dancing like it was 1999.
To something without strings and hard-coding the actual "reduction code" to something like
export const increment = (state) => ({count: state.count + 1});
And give modern JS languages like typescript import the increment function and use it directly?
Why are we so attached to these action type strings?