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I agree with writing a lot of code being the way to write better code, but as soon as I encountered the part about "absolute and total intent to replace almost everything you write with better code once you start experiencing real problems first hand" strikes me as not possible in every environment.

If you are writing your own monolith from a basement and are a single developer, sure. Once you have founded your company and made your millions you can decide what, where, and when to change in the code. However, for the vast majority of people who do professional development it is just not plausible to suggest that you create every project as a throwaway.

Because in corporate development, once a project works (even a low percentage of the time or with major problems) it can and often will continue its life forever. Greenfield development has a different process in most places than maintenance / sustaining, and most people will find that making any reasonable structural changes to a legacy / monolith / inherited code base will take years of mostly political arguments because management will be unable or unwilling to recognize the writing on the wall.

Analysis paralysis is obviously a problem as well that exists on the extreme end of the other side. However, I believe actually prototyping and testing early in the cycle is the best of both worlds: you get both the ability to respond to problems early in the cycle because you're exercising the code already, and the process will not cripple you from making those changes.

I agree that writing a lot of code is the cure, but please, for the love of all that is programming, stop insisting that every early prototype makes it into production with their awful duct tape and bubble gum patches intact.

Break the problem down early, learn some of the finicky bits of the technologies you've chosen, and be pragmatic...but insisting on taking your first (often terrible) crack at the problem directly into production where you'll be stuck on it for possibly a decade is pretty bad advice in most environments I have developed in my professional career.

It's a recipe that'll often get you stuck troubleshooting irritating design-induced problems for years to come or hopping to a different company.

There is a middle ground between no design and spending years on whiteboards and blogs before writing a single line of code...that middle ground is what needs to be mined instead of constantly taking an extremist stance.

But hey, this is corporate development...so the loudest voices and most extreme opinions always seem to win out.

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