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Which one do you want citations for?

These are all publicly accepted problems by now, so I'm not going to do a writeup for all of them just because one person asks for it.

Your downvotes change nothing, by the way. This is not a sinister outlook, it's already happening right now and I'm provably right.

We get more police and they get more permissions, including broader surveillance, and they're looking to adopt tasers like in the U.S. The last few years did this and hardly anyone is arguing it anymore.

The surveillance state you don't want is coming, and you are the reason.

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OP is asking for citations regarding the rise in crime you referred to. Understand - crime rates have been going down historically. Things are not getting worse, they are getting better. While that doesn't mean everything is OK yes, crime is going down. Therefore, your argument for increased surveillance because of increased crime is wrong.

In short, crime is getting better, not worse, and your argument for increased surveillance is the one given to you by those who already want increased surveillance.




I never said that crime as a whole increased, but the violence reached a whole different quality. You (deliberately?) misinterpret comments you don't agree with.

Stabbing people -which was never a big issue- has become very common, for example. Kicking people when they're down and out etc. Hurting people for fun. Someone I knew was stabbed and murdered for no reason at all. Not even a robbery. Just killed.

Even in fights, there used to be some unwritten rules of respect and common sense, but they're gone. The people who are responsible for most of these violent crimes brought this crap with them.

It's gotten to the point where knives are forbidden in certain areas and knife bans are under consideration.

I'm talking about Germany, by the way. How about you are a bit more open-minded and stop assuming other users' nationalities?

>I never said that crime as a whole increased,

> generally a complete refusal to accept the law become more common

I definitely read your original comment as suggesting that, in general, lawlessness was on the rise.

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