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Domain Storytelling: A DDD tool to visualize domain stories in the browser (domainstorytelling.org)
137 points by mablae on Oct 18, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 15 comments

What are the advantages/disadvantages you've found over event storming? Is this just a good way to knowledge crunch with stakeholders to get to a good analysis model, or do you find it leads to specific learnings you don't get with any other method?

"event storming" and "knowledge crunch with stakeholders" are two phrases I've never heard before. Can you explain them?

I don't understand it in detail, but event storming is basically a workshop for sharing knowledge about a problem domain. You get SMEs into a room with whoever is executing (devs, designers, etc) on a project and, under the guidance of a facilitator, have a time-boxed, business-oriented discussion about the domain. You identify domain events, ie, all the interactions that occur between users and system components.


Interesting! With a domain model like this, a program could exhaustively test all paths for invalid states. The model would need to some annotations of invariants or could ask a human to review.

I highly recommend Eric Evans' book "Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software" (2003) mentioned on this page. It is a bit of slog, but worth it.

Or for a quick introduction to domain-driven design, check out the (free download) of "Domain Driven Design Quickly" e-book from InfoQ:


We changed the URL from https://github.com/WPS/domain-story-modeler to the project page, which gives more background info.

Very useful, I find that discovering domain knowledge can be a painful process when trying to build a relationship with a new client. Hopefully this will help

I was looking for something like a while back. Bookmarked.

Erm UML rediscovered? :]

Nope. UML is a language for describing software systems. It's software first. Domain-Driven Design is a focus on understanding the actual concepts of domain experts. So this is people first.

As Martin Fowler said, “Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.” That's much more likely to happen if programmers start with the existing human understanding of the situation.

As a contrast, let me describe two terrible code bases I worked on. The first was something built by roving gangs of consultants. It was about donations and corporate matching, but that was hard to tell by the code. It was basically a giant snarl of HashMaps with magic keys that got passed around all over the place, with bits of code fishing out things they needed. It mostly worked, but it was incredibly hard to sort out because the code didn't mean anything.

Another is the typical Java enterprise mess. I was once called in to advise on an open-source product that was being built by consultants used to doing banking work. Between being fetched from the database and rendered on the screen, data was copied from object to object 7 different times. ThisBean and ThatBean and DTOFactoryIntializerStrategy. Most of the code base wasn't really about the domain, it was cargo-cult rituals and architectural patterns that had no practical value. Worse, having the domain knowledge smeared out over a zillion objects means that their early domain understanding was locked in, so the code base and the way people talked about the domain drifter further and further apart.

At this point I'm a firm believer in Domain-Driven Design. If you really understand how people think about what they do and then build the system in those terms, you'll get a much better code base and a much better user experience. Domain concepts are generally very stable, so your design is less likely to go obsolete.

A good example is yesterday's article about building a real-time editing system. They got good code because they really thought about the human experience and then built in those terms: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18220020

I'm not trying to nitpick, but UML is purpose-first, not solution-first. The language always allowed for varying levels of abstraction (i.e. linguistics, not layers), and it was always possible to describe the domain instead of classes+methods, but one is always creating diagrams not code. For example, a collaboration diagram can specify domain concepts and use plain language for activities and artifacts; it is not necessary to consider functions and arguments and exceptions. Oh my.

Your anecdotes are more common with object-oriented languages and poor object-oriented design approaches. Any fool can claim to have discovered a OOD pattern, but a good programmer will not claim to have discovered anything. Instead, she will use the software to express the user's activity and desired outcomes.

That being said, some software languages take more skill and experience to implement a solution than others. Sometimes it is necessary for developers to consider the choice of HashMap over List<?> or worse MyCollection which implements List<?> over an array. These considerations may have created to more types of diagrams (UML, OOD, etc.) that describe software in more an more detail, but what is necessary to express a solution is really subjective and rarely universally understood. You can't sit an inexperienced developer in front of a C++ program and expect them to understand that they are looking at code for a text editor anymore than you could sit them down in front of a collection of DDD diagrams and expect them to build a perfect representation in Java.

We (the royal "We") are looking for a proper balance in design and implementation. That is a work-in-progress: it is the point of this career and won't be captured by single checkbox on one's resume, e.g. "knows UML or not".

> UML is purpose-first, not solution-first

I don't believe that's the case. If we set the Wayback machine for 1999, it's pretty clear: "The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is the industry-standard language for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of software systems. It simplifies the complex process of software design, making a 'blueprint' for construction." [1]

It's very clearly about software.

[1] https://web.archive.org/web/19990127214541/http://www.ration...

Hooray for domain knowledge! Any process or tool that drags developers out of their cave to learn about the business context is worth its weight in gold. I recommend pretty much any video where James Coplien yells at a room full of developers about how we're doing software wrong, such as: https://youtu.be/gPP7Bleg214?t=1860

There seems to be some overlap with a UML business use case which can be used for modelling requirements.

Nice, might come in handy soon. Bookmarked.

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