I used it for a number of things, around 2002 or so. I don't recall the specific model, but I used until it stopped working.
I hadn't heard of the Pyra, but as with all these custom-designed open devices... they are cool, but the cost is always so much higher than any comparable commercial product you could buy. I guess RMS can afford one, but I can't.
Met him at a metro station in Boston as I was going for a job interview. The company used Gnu/linux but the devs didn't even know who Stallman or Linus were. I didn't get the job because I wasn't "technical" enough. I was not asked any technical questions. Probably dodged a bullet there.
I hadn't heard of the Pyra, but as with all these custom-designed open devices... they are cool, but the cost is always so much higher than any comparable commercial product you could buy. I guess RMS can afford one, but I can't.