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It’s just terminology from acting. Wouldn’t read too much into it. Getting annoyed by that is like being upset you have a team in your org called HR. “Human Resources? Am I just a unit of raw material to be put through the factory?!”

> Am I just a unit of raw material to be put through the factory?!”

Yes. This one is accurate.

I prefer the term 'Human Accounting' myself.

Human Remains is one term used in the UK

"Personnel" is the older, more appropriate name.

Why did we ever change? New hip management terms?

US invented HR, and the world adopted it.

Sorry I was guilty of using slang here its meant in a negative way.


Interestingly HR people don’t refer to themselves as “resources”, they call themselves “professionals” or “business partners”. But at least they’re honest about how they view real workers.

I disagree. To be clear, there's more to techs current flight towards the sun than just this. But for this kind of wording to be possible there need to be certain conditions present. In techs case; partly just a general boom/bubble. If you'd post searches for "talent" without these conditions present you'd likely be laughed out of the building, or at the very least come of as dorky, bordering unreliable.

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