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This site managed to disable right clicking?

Yes...annoying. It's in the main html as an embedded script:

  function nocontext(e) {
    return false;
  document.oncontextmenu = nocontext;
You can paste "javascript:void(document.oncontextmenu=null);" into the address bar to get it back.

In Firefox Shift+Click bypasses this shenanigans as well.

I'm seeing no shenanigans in Firefox. The context menu works for me.

And it works for me on both Firefox and Chromium, uBlock disabled. I can't find the function in the HTML either. Was it just removed?

Yes, looks like someone removed it. It's still in the source on the wayback machine cached copy:


That cached copy also seems to show the site was hacked for a while. Search the source for strings like "provigil free trial coupon".

Edit: It's still hacked. See https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Asemiengineering.com+v... Clicking on any of the results takes you through a redirect to a shady pharma site.

Would be nice if chrome had this. I know there are extensions, but having this in core would be better.

I hate it and always set dom.event.contextmenu.enabled to false in Firefox about:config.

Works fine for me.

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