If all you lose is the income from illegal activity and a small fine it’s not much of a penalty now is it? The criminal justice system needs to be as vicious against criminals as collection agencies are against poor people.
I really have no problem seizing absolutely everything from somone who manipulates markets or defrauds investors. In fact, step it up. Seize everything and stick them with a lifetime of debt that can’t be discharged.
In that case, regardless of the merits of the idea, it’s constitutionally rather problematic in the United States, as the Eighth Amendment prohibits imposing excessive fines.
If all you lose is the income from illegal activity and a small fine it’s not much of a penalty now is it? The criminal justice system needs to be as vicious against criminals as collection agencies are against poor people.
I really have no problem seizing absolutely everything from somone who manipulates markets or defrauds investors. In fact, step it up. Seize everything and stick them with a lifetime of debt that can’t be discharged.