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Show HN: Pictureddit – different subreddits different photos (pictureddit.com)
29 points by pictur on Oct 14, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 16 comments

Works with any subreddit, multireddit, username and parameters



Can you add a description / about to the site, so there's less guessing on our part of what it is all about?! ;-)

Please add reddit.com/r/cablefail and reddit.com/r/cableporn (same general category, one examples of "don't do this", the other "do this").

If I can make one other suggestion, have the dropdown box at the top sort alphabetically by subreddit name, cablefail and cableporn should be next to each other.

alphabetical sorting added. I would be glad if you write if you have any other suggestions.

Navigation of the select box would be improved if "/r/" prefix was stripped from every item. Ex, I clicked on select box and start typing "cable" expecting for it to navigate to one of those entries, but it just hung on the first item. Alternatively, can use some fancy select component with search function, like Chosen etc.

Why are you spamming this here?

As a basis of your claim, it has been posted 9 times so far. https://news.ycombinator.com/from?site=pictureddit.com

application of occams razor: people will repeatedly post and promote their own individual work because they have a desire for others to interact with it and gain value from it, and beyond that because they desire attention for their work and effort. pretty evident to me

People can promote their projects here as long as they put some effort into it and it isn't obvious spam.

Good idea. I didn't see any obvious bugs when I was using it. My only suggestion is to allow users to be able to select which sub they want to view images from instead of this drop-down pick from the list method.

As crude as it sounds, I could see this site being heavily used for the porn subs lol.

I wish it was continuous scrolling instead of having to click for the next page.

Aren’t the full res images copyright violations?


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