Sure but Tokyo is also a real place that was aesthetically pretty unique and way more futuristic looking than anywhere else at the time (other than maybe HK). Id be interested in African scifi/cyberpunk but at least for film it doesn’t quite have the same punch to me.
I think one reason for that could be that the Wakanda city in Black Panther looks and feels like a city dressed in cultural heritage or a theme park, with regular "western looking" high tech insides. Look at the lab for instance. Your generic villain/Star Trek/Super Hero/Industrial lab. The whole city looks very Star Trek, very bland. I don't dislike it, but it's been done in countless STTNG episodes.
I think a depiction of an African sci-fi where the tech and the soft is reversed, would be very interesting.
In Wakanda you have cultural theme park on the outside, hard tech on the inside.
I'd rather see the opposite - hard generic tech on the outside, commandeered by a creamy, cultural inside.
Maybe the African continent was mostly spared in some kind of cataclysmic event, now some African countries are super rich from trading food and skilled labor (management and security detail mostly?) to the rest of the world for tech and tech know how in return. Refugees line its border and only people with strong know how and good teaching skills are let in.
The opening scene could get some inspiration from Chappy and District 9, but with an even stronger emphasis on tech as super advanced but casual - make the connection as well to advanced tech and magic. Skip the step where people stop believing in magic.
> I'd rather see the opposite - hard generic tech on the outside, commandeered by a creamy, cultural inside.
This sounds a bit like the tech/culture mix of the predator species of the series of the same name. Particularly in Predator 2, with the crashed tech ship and its ceremonial displays internally.
Maybe - it's hard to tell. From our human perspective, certainly yes.
But for all we know, the Predators may have developed their tech themselves and the ship just represents a linear normal progression of their tech. In that case, this is not what I'm after.
If on the other hand, the Predators initially acquired their tech from some other culture (like IIRC the Klingons did theirs) this might be exactly what I'm after.