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Thieves and Geeks: Russian and Chinese Hacking Communities (recordedfuture.com)
122 points by lxm on Oct 14, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Screen amount left for an actual content on this website is less than 50% on mobile. This is obscene.

Looks fine to me? If you're talking about ads, why not use a blocker?

Readerview on safari defeats this. I did a rough measurement and the top/bottom overlays indeed take about 50% of vertical space in normal view.

This article uses the word "hacker" solely to mean activities like breaking into computer systems and conducting illegal business online. This is perhaps appropriate because in Chinese, the word is always translated as the soundalike "heike" (黑客) which literally means "dark guest", thus alluding to that same meaning. If you talk about, or are seen using, Hacker News in China, they will initially only think of you as being a criminal or wannabe criminal, despite the other definition of hacker as being anyone interested in tech and programming (according to Wikipedia and Paul Graham).

I would say that almost all Americans outside of technology think it only means a person breaking into computer systems.

I've seen "hacker" in the non-security sense translated as "魔法师 / mofashi", which literally means "magician" or "wizard".

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