You're getting really close to what I want. I just don't find it easy to get this kind of job. Do you have experience working for your self helping small clients with fun work and your description?
I have experience with something like that. I'm 40 years old and been working remotely most of the time for maybe ten years.
I mostly find good projects online. Building prototypes helps get contracts.
However, the major problem I have had is finding those awesome low stress remote jobs or gigs that _also_ have "US market rate" pay and that can sustain it. I have certainly been successful in that to some degree but my current startup hasn't had funding. And rather than give up when he started running out of money, I cut my rate.
So in order to save money I recently moved to a beach area in Mexico. It has an amazing view of the ocean and is affordable.
However there are downsides. I have discovered new types of diarrhea that I did not know existed. The water was shut off for five days. And yesterday the ATM had an error and just decided it couldn't give me my $170 even though my account was debited.
So today I am trying to find an inexpensive place to live in the US again.